March 26th to April 1st

Another week and the challenge of staying with the project goes on. I am really enjoying it, I don’t think I have committed to anything like this for as long or with the daily frequency required, truly keeping me on my toes.

Th weather has not improved, if anything it has gotten worse and the prediction is for it to carry on through April, it is really testing my ability to leap into each day.

However ON ON!!




Mar 26th:

The light is changing, I am getting a lot more quality light in the evenings so my success’s seem to becoming from the evening wanderings, however just as I get used to this, daylight saving is about to start next week.

Today I got out of Bond St station and did a U turn around the outside of the building and went a different way. Went back in the evening and go this shot, the phone box in the also rans was in the morning and there was film shoot around the corner from work. So buy ignoring the weather I got some good stuff.

 Mar 27th:

Some days when you are dragging your feet on the way to work, hunched over trying to stay warm as you walk into a head wind it is recommended to look up occasionally.

cup o’ tea luv’?

Mar 28th:

This week has been three parts of hell when it comes to the weather and the light, I have battled both. So tonight is Holy Thursday so I will put a bit more shoulder into it, I have decided to walk until it is dark. I will walk east.

Mar 29th:

Big day down at Pauls working on the VStrom, have we created a monster ?? The rear shocks didn’t arrive in time for the weekend, so more delays. I left late and was half way home thinking I still have that photo to do, I was hoping for some palm trees or something warm, but an oasis popped out of the night, job done!!

Mar 30th:

Lazy day today, met the lads at London Bridge and we cruised down the river to Greenwich and saw the Ansell Adams exhibition. Greg and Damo loved it, I am still in awe of the man

We wandered over to Greenwich Markets for food and drink. This guy was serving warm mull wine, he is our new best friend!

Mar 31st:

Late night last night so decided a walk to Pecham Rye then catch the overland to Clapham Junction for an outing and some fresh air, found a big read truck selling bread!

Apr 1st:

Another day of fiddling with the bike down at Pauls, made steady progress with the electrics and had a go at balancing the throttle bodies. Took the scenic route home and found this set of headstones enjoying some afternoon sunshine.

Neatest most correct entry:

This or the branch, so hard to choose some days.

Mull wine man or the doughnuts

A big day out with the film crew:

As far as I can tell the scene was to do with buying or finding lost shoes, note the actors have one foot each in a bag.

Aziz light !!:

So I can stop complaining about the light I am going to drag this sucker around with me everywhere I go now.

Just so you know:

So post modern:

There is nothing post modern about this, I just want you to remember to have as much fun in you life as this person. I want one on my motorbike!!

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